About Us

About Us

Lotspc founder
Nice to meet you!

About the blogger

Hi! I am Benjamin Lee, the founder of lotspc. I have many hobbies. I love motorcycles, I love technology, and I am a geek fanatic. Love all the good things in life. Curious about life.
We look for more technical questions and answers. Share everything related to technology. Hope to meet more people with the same hobbies.

Email:[email protected]

Benjamin Lee


LotsPC.com was born in January 2023 and was founded by Benjamin Lee, a geek fanatic. The purpose of my blog is to share technology, love research technology, and collect the latest geek products.

macbook pro


lotspc tips

Introduce some tips, usage skills and some important knowledge of computers


Lotspc faq

Some common questions, maybe you can find the answer here.



Collect the latest products, the most cost-effective products.