Is it Possible for a DVI Cable to Malfunction?

The Digital Visual Interface (DVI) cable stands as a pivotal connector in the realm of digital video transmission. Developed to maximize the quality of digital display technology, DVI cables are commonly employed to connect computers to monitors or other display devices, such as projectors and televisions. These cables are designed to transmit high-definition video signals … Read more

Why are Some DVI Cables Missing Pins?

Some DVI cables appear to have missing pins on them. This often confuses the users as to whether they are originally missing any pins or if they are part of the design. Actually, the cables that appear to have missing pins might be single-link DVI cables. Single-link DVI cables look like they are missing at … Read more

Do USB Extension Cable Add Latency?

USB extension cables are often mistaken to cause latency to any connected device. But in fact, they do not cause any significant latency. Technically, longer extension cables can cause latency, but it is negligible. Even though latency is not a common effect, long USB extension cables have been observed to affect some other performance parameters. … Read more

Can WIFI Adapters Overheat?

Yes, WiFi adapters can overheat. This happens due to different reasons. But the consequences can be considerable. You can learn what causes WiFi Adapters to overheat from this post. Also, you can find some useful tips to prevent overheating. We live in an era of wireless connectivity. In this era, Wi-Fi adapters have turned out … Read more

What Causes Audio Interface Noise When Moving Mouse?

Audio interface noise when moving mouse happens due to different reasons. We are here to explore them one by one in this post. In the realm of audio production, an often perplexing and common issue that users face is audio interface noise when moving mouse. This phenomenon is referred to as mouse-induced interference. This can be … Read more

Optimization Your Optical Mouse: Selecting the Ideal Surface

The advent of the optical mouse marked a significant evolution in pointing devices for personal computers. Unlike its predecessor, the mechanical ball mouse, which relies on rolling a ball against a surface to track movement, the optical mouse uses a completely different modality to achieve the same end. At the heart of an optical mouse … Read more

Why Is My Webcam Light Always On? Causes & Fixes

Your webcam light is on due to a browser extension or application that runs in the background. It is an indication that something is not right. But, do not fret. It can happen due to many other simple reasons.  You can learn about them here. Presently, we live in a world of digital connectivity, remote … Read more

Why is My Keyboard Typing Multiples? (Solution)

How to handle my keyboard typing multiple letters? Every day, many people look to find answers to this question. The keyboard typing multiple letters Mac and Chromebook keyboard typing multiple letters are also common issues. Let us explore some ways to handle the keyboard typing multiple letters problem. Why is My Bluetooth Keyboard Typing Multiple … Read more

Why Does My Wired Headphones Keep Disconnecting?

Despite being extremely popular worldwide, wired headphones often face the issue of constant disconnection. This repeated disconnection and reconnection can be due to multiple reasons. Some of them are damaged cables, software errors, loose connections, etc. The section below explains in detail the significant reasons why wired headphones disconnecting from the devices. It also provides timely … Read more

Can Apple Magic Keyboard be Used Wired?

The AppleMagic keyboard, despite coming in a wireless model, exhibits compatibility with wired operation, too. This keyboard, known for its premium aesthetics and long-lasting battery power, now comes with a USB-C to Lightning cord that helps with charging and wired use. The sections below explore, in detail, the wireless and wired Magic keyboard and its features. … Read more