What is Non-Backlit Keyboard? (Usage and Advantages)

A non-backlit keyboard is a keyboard thatdoes not have the built-in light under the keys that helps to see the keys better in low-light conditions. So, seeing the keys on a non-backlit keyboard in low light conditions is usually difficult. Non-backlit keyboards do not have any aesthetic lighting features present with the keys like what a backlit keyboard has.

What is the difference between backlit and non-backlit keyboards?

Backlit Keyboard

A backlit keyboard has a dedicated lighting system under the keys. The light source is arranged toshine brightly around a key even when it is not used.

Backlit keyboards make it extremely easy to use even when it is pitch black. You don’t need external light sources to help you type in the dark. Backlit keyboards are considered handy by most computer experts and gaming enthusiasts.

The widespread benefits of backlit keyboards are as follows.

  • Make it highly convenient to use the keyboard in low-light conditions.
  • It helps reduce eye strain significantly during low-light uses.
  • Animated lighting effects and mood lighting help with improving the user experience.
  • These keyboards provide more options for customization.
  • If you backlit your keys with specific colors, you will find it much easier to locate each key.

The significantdisadvantages of backlit keyboards are as follows.

  • Backlit keyboards use up around 20% more battery power than that of non-backlit keyboards.
  • Even if the keys work well, the light source can stop working quickly, costing money on key replacement.
  • Many backlit keyboards that come with animated effects become highly distracting for the users.

Non-Backlit keyboard

Non-Backlit keyboard

Non-backlit keyboards do not have a dedicated light-up system under their keys. They come with regular keys that would be difficult to find in the dark without an external light source.

Non-backlit keyboards usually lack in their aesthetics. Because there are no customizable lighting options available for them. Despite the absence of light sources under the keys, there is not much difference in the functionality of a non-backlit and backlit keyboard.

The significant advantages discussed about non-backlit keyboards are as follows.

  • Non-backlit keyboards are much more affordable than backlit keyboards.
  • Non-backlit keyboards operate with much less power consumption than backlit keyboards.
  • Usually, non-backlit keyboards feature a rougher texture for the keys. This is helpful in getting the most accurate response from the keys, according to specific users.
  • Non-backlit keyboards are perfect for office aesthetics due to their formal look.
  • People who like a minimalistic look for their gadgets can depend on non-backlit keyboards.

The popular disadvantages of a non-backlit keyboard are as follows.

  • It gets challenging to work with a non-backlit keyboard in low-light conditions.
  • Non-backlit keyboard options usually have fewer customization options.
  • When compared to a backlit keyboard, a non-backlit keyboard lacks in its aesthetics and visual appeal.

How do I use a non-backlit keyboard in the dark?

You can use a non-backlit keyboard in the dark using the following tips and techniques.

1. Replacing keycaps

Replacing your existing keycaps with glow-in-the-dark or translucent keycaps would be the best hack for using a non-backlit keyboard in the dark. This is more of a permanent solution; thus, you have to check the keyboard’s compatibility with the replacement keys.

Purchasing these replacement keycaps could cost you some money. Also, you need to have a certain amount of technical knowledge to replace these keycaps manually. It is advisable to get some professional help in the replacement if necessary.

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2. Using glowing stickers on the keys

Glow-in-the-dark stickers are commonly available in online and offline stores. You can find the right-sized stickers for your laptop keys and paste them to help use a non-backlit keyboard in the dark.

The principle behind these stickers is that they absorb the light whenever available and emit it when there is darkness around. The only thing you must be careful about while choosing these stickers is that they are not blocking the symbol or letter on the keyboard. Otherwise, it could cause many practical difficulties while using the keyboard.

3. Using glowing keyboard covers

Many manufacturers have launched keyboard covers that have glowing properties. These covers are made of flexible and lightweight materials like silicone. These covers glow in the dark, providing enough light for you to use a non-backlit keyboard comfortably.

These keyboard covers are made of easy-to-handle materials like silicone so thatyou can clean them pretty conveniently.

Do you really need backlit keyboard?

A backlit keyboard cannot be considered a necessity. Because there are many ways in which you can use a regular keyboard in low-light conditions. But a backlit keyboard would always be convenient if you want to use it in the dark.

For example, gamers usually prefer a backlit keyboard because they play games mostly in darkness or moody lighting. For them, the light from an external light source will cause glare on the screen; thus, they prefer keeping the surroundings dark. A backlit keyboard comes in handy for such avid gamers.

Another reason why you would need a backlit keyboard is because of its longer lifespan. Despite paying a relatively higher amount, a backlit keyboard lasts longer than a non-backlit keyboard. Also, they help with reducing typing errors in darkness.

However, a group of experts believe backlit keyboards are not necessary because they are distracting. The customized and animated lighting options often cause much distraction to the users. The use of these tiny light sources in the darkness for a long time is also observed to be causing eye issues.


While non-backlit keyboards are highly affordable, backlit keyboards are highly customizable. You can always pick a middle way when it comes to choosing a keyboard. That is, you can select a backlit keyboard with user-friendly features and an affordable price range.

Many backlit keyboards let the user adjust the brightness of the lights to avoid any eye strain. Some models allow the users to switch off the lights to avoid high power consumption completely. If you are particular about purchasing a non-backlit keyboard, you can always convert it into a backlit keyboard both permanently and temporarily.